Welcome to Jungle Creek Aquaculture

Located on the Cassowary Coast in Tropical Far North Queensland, Jungle Creek Aquaculture is a quality producer of Barramundi and assorted native Australian fish.

Operated since 1998, Jungle Creek is capable of year round production of quality Barramundi fingerlings (Lates calcarifer) with export capabilities with health certification.

R&D and Innovation

As the aquaculture industry is relatively new it is developing and changing quickly.  As a company we are changing with it.

We are proud to say that the company and the staff employed  by Jungle Creek Aquaculture have been involved in several exciting achievements in the Australian  aquaculture industry.

  • First in Australia to breed and rear Gold Spot Grouper (Epinephelus coioides)
  • First in Australia to breed and rear Archer Fish  (Toxotes jaculatrix)
  • First in Australia to spawn Jungle Perch (Kuhlia repestris), still trying to rear to fingerlings.
  • Among the first producers of Mangrove Jack (Lutjanus argentimaculatus)

Services of Jungle Creek Aquaculture

Commercial Species


The main species supplied to farmers for growout is Barramundi (Lates Calcarifer). We are able to supply quality fingerlings around the year which are graded and fully weaned on to pellet diets. If required, health certification can be supplied with each batch. Typical sizes that are supplied range from 25mm- 150mm.

We have export capabilities and have supplied to several countries already.

We are hoping to add Jade Perch (Scortum barcoo) to our species list in the near future after some R&D



We offer a wide range of sizes for stocking groups to choose from starting as small as 25mm going up to 300mm in length. We are able to deliver to site in our truck purposely set up for long range tranportation of fingerlings. Acclimation can be done on site to suit the local water parameters.

Fish are available regularly throughout the year. For larger fish we would likely require advance notice to supply the numbers requested to size.

We would also like to speak with Stocking groups who could be interested in Sooty grunter and Mangrove Jack.

Aquarium Species


As well as production of food based fish we do supply Australian native species for the aquarium industry.

Colour morph Barramundi- For those who want a large unique display specimen consider a Platinum or Panda Barramundi to spice up your tank or pond.

Mangrove Jacks- A colourful red fish with blue markings on the cheek. Aggressive feeders, with Teeth!

Other species we are hoping to produce in the near future are Archer fish and Jungle Perch.


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